Shawn Corey Carter, the real name of Jay-Z, was born in Brooklyn, New York, on December 4, 1969. His father left their family when he was 11, while his mother, Gloria Carter, came out as bisexual in 2017. Jay reportedly cried after realizing that his mom must’ve been in a rough situation for hiding her sexuality. In his album 4:44, the song Smile was dedicated to the matriarch, and it had lyrics suggesting he’ll be happy for her whoever she chooses to love, “Don’t matter to me if it’s him or her.”
He rose to prominence in the ‘90s and has charted numerous singles, including Empire State Of Mind, and as a featured artist in his now-wife Beyonce’s Crazy In Love. The power couple secretly tied the knot in 2008, and they are blessed with three adorable children, Blue Ivy, and twins Rumi and Sir. Jay-Z doesn’t have a finance degree, but his net worth is $1.3 billion.
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