Barron Hilton – Paris Hilton

Barron Hilton originally intended to be a pilot. At age 17, he had already started to learn to fly a plane which he believed was his passion. In the second World War, Hilton found a job as a war photographer. After his father’s death, Barron inherited the vast number of hotels his father owned while showing an exceptional degree of managing them. Moreover, his brilliant foresight of the future of gambling enabled the group of hotels to become the first enlisting on the New York Stocks Exchange.

A fan of football and his vast investments, he founded the American Football League (AFL) and owned the team Los Angeles Chargers. One of Barron’s descendants is Paris Hilton, the daughter of his son, Richard Hilton. Paris Hilton is widely recognized for The Simple Life series and compels the media’s attention with her books, businesses, and music.
