Elizabeth Taylor – Quinn Tivey

It’s often common for one thing to lead to another thing. A domino effect of sorts, if you will. Well, one such example is Elizabeth Taylor’s journey to the entertainment industry. Her parents spent a significant portion of their investment money on their very own art gallery throughout her childhood. They eventually accumulated a good number of clients, many of which had connections in the film industry. Thanks to that, Elizabeth began her career under the spotlight as a child actress.

Debuting with a role in 1942’s There’s One Born Every Minute, the actress eventually garnered widespread fame and recognition for her work in projects such as Cat on a Hot Tin RoofButterfield 8, and Cleopatra. Outside of acting, Elizabeth was also known for her philanthropic endeavors. Well, by the looks of it, her grandson, Quinn Tivey, shares the same passion as her. While he hasn’t dabbled in any acting gigs just yet, it’s safe to say the actress is proud of what Quinn has achieved.
