Roald Dahl – Sophie Dahl

It’s safe to assume that most of us may have read a book written by Roald Dahl at some point in our lives. Dahl is one of the best-selling authors of all time, and his books have sold more than 200 million copies worldwide. He was not just an author, but he was also a famed novelist, poet, screenwriter, short-story writer, and wartime fighter pilot. He was also known for his legendary children’s works, including Fantastic Mr. Fox, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and many more.

Dahl’s granddaughter, Sophie Dahl, also took an interest in writing. Sophie published her first novel back in 2003, titled The Man with the Dancing Eyes. She then followed it up by releasing Playing with the Grown-ups four years later. In 2009, she penned a cookery book. Without a doubt, Sophie must have been inspired by her grandfather and his legendary works. We’ll certainly have to give her credit for acting on that inspiration!
