Kirk Douglas – Cameron Douglas

Growing up impoverished, Kirk Douglas had to work twice as hard as anyone else in New York, where his Jewish parents immigrated. He was also born as Izzy Demsky but later had the court go legally to Kirk Douglas. The actor would later re-embrace his Jewish roots after a near-fatal accident when he was 74 years old. In a memoir, Douglas did not skimp on the details of the various hardships the family had to endure as immigrants.

Cameron Douglas, his granddaughter, fortunately, did not suffer like her grandfather. However, she had her run-ins with the law, which we hope she was able to sort out. The two were very close, and so when the Spartacus actor passed away, the families, including Cameron, were so distraught. Cameron fondly remembers her granddad as someone who always showed up every time a family member needed him.
