Tippi Hedren – Stella Banderas

Alfred Hitchcock was responsible for discovering many celebrities, including Tippi Hedren, who he saw in a commercial back in 1961. Before appearing on TV commercials, she was also a print model who graced Life and Glamour magazine covers. She was a true beauty. After Hitchcock launched her career, Hedren has appeared in movies like Citizen Ruth, Marnie, and A Countess from Hong Kong. 

Closely following her footsteps is her grandchild by Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith, Stella Banderas. The Spain-born younger Banderas has seen reports of modeling a crop top on her Instagram account, urging followers to buy from LINE. She has over 155k followers on the social media platform, which means she has a good reach, far more than her grandmother had in the 1960s. We can only guess that the fashion brand has increased sales and would not hesitate to drop some serious investment money towards their ambassador.
