Albert Einstein – Bernard Einstein

You know you’re going on the right track when your name finally becomes synonymous with “genius.” Now takes recognition one of the greatest physicists of all time, Albert Einstein, was a natural-born intellectual. In fact, at just 12 years old, he was already fluent in various mathematic subjects – he learned Euclidean geometry and algebra in just one summer. Since then, he has achieved many things, such as working on quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

For Einstein’s fascination with science and all things related to technology, maybe it’s safe to assume a portion of the credit goes to his father, an engineer. In the same fashion, his grandson, Bernard Einstein, developed the same knack for the subject. While he has also made plenty of achievements in the world of technology, there’s another passion Bernard has in common with grandpa Einstein: their love for music – he even gave his violin to Bernard.
